Felimomo 是一個提倡貓化家居的品牌,主要銷售貓傢俬和提供家居佈置的顧問服務。我們受委託為其品牌設計識別標誌。在這份案子中,由於貓化家居著重透過不同貓傢俬組合去融入家居當中,我們著力思考如何運用「組合」這個詞語的特性,並配合貓星人語言這個概念去創作出一套只屬於Felimomo的符號。
Felimomo is a brand that promotes the “Catify” services, selling cat furniture and offering home decoration consulting. We were commissioned to design their brand logo.
Our focus is on the concept of "combination," inspired by how cats interact with their environment. We created 26 unique symbols (A-Z) based on the walking patterns of cats when they encounter different letters of the alphabet. Each symbol also resembles a piece of cat furniture.
The final logo is made up of these symbols, allowing clients to create various patterns for different occasions. This design provides flexibility and showcases the adaptable nature of cat furniture in brand promotions.