我們受環保署的委託,為T · PARK進行了歷時三年的相片紀錄,記下這世界級污泥處理廠的從無到有,整個項目除了T · PARK外觀和設施的拍攝外,當中更涉及進入一些高風險的工作環境進行拍攝,過程難忘又充滿挑戰性,在此鳴謝攝影師Steven Ko於這三年間的全力協助。
We were commissioned by the Environmental Protection Department to conduct a 3 years photographic documentation of T.PARK, capturing the development of a world-class sludge treatment plant from inception to completion. This project involved not only photographing the exterior and facilities of T.PARK but also entering some high-risk work environments for shooting. The process was memorable and full of challenges. We would like to express our gratitude to photographer Steven Ko for his full support throughout these three years.